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24h order processing | Free pick-up | Free delivery 80$+ (members)
24h order processing | Free pick-up | Free delivery 80$+ (members)



More than 1000 eco-responsible and local products up to 50% cheaper.

→ Delivery is free for purchases over $80.

  • Member benefits
  • Operation
  • Savings all year round: by subscribing, you have access to all products up to 50% cheaper. Our members save an average of $42 on an order of $100!

    Shipping is free from $80 purchase for all our members of Ontario and Quebec.

  • Add the annual subscription and your purchases to your shopping cart.
    You'll automatically see that the prices include the exclusive discounts for our members. Proceed to payment. 

    For future purchases, do not forget to log into your account with the email address you used to purchase the subscription.