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Spices - Ground Coriander
Les filles FattoushfromRegular price:$8.99Member price (-20%):$7.19| /Description The Fattoush girls With its fresh citrus scent and slightly peppery taste, ground coriander brings freshness to your dishes...
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Spices - Ground cumin
Les filles FattoushfromRegular price:$8.99Member price (-20%):$7.19| /Description The Fattoush girls Cumin is the authentic flavor of the Middle East. A pinch is enough to enhance any dish. It is used i...
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Spices - Dried mint
Les filles FattoushfromRegular price:$8.99Member price (-20%):$7.19| /Description The Fattoush girls Very aromatic, dried mint is added at the end of preparation to flavor meat dishes such as roast or gril...
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